From the LHSC Board - April 11th 2024 meeting notes:
Hello. At last week's meeting we held our elections according to our new calendar. We would like to congratulate Steve and Jim for their return to the board and congratulate and welcome Jeremy Fait to our snowmobile board team. The new officers will be chosen at the September board meeting.
December 16th, 2023
Hello all snowmobilers,
Welcome to the Presidents page on the LHSC club website.
We've been busy lately getting things ready for the snow season of 2023 - 2024. We have completed our Snowmobile Safety class and you can see the picture on the main page of that event. Also this past week we had our first snowfall that has managed to stick around the whole week as it came on Monday the 11th and managed to stay right through our DCNR meeting on Thursday and I see on Saturday it's finally melting off. This is OUR time of the year. 7 springs opened their slopes this weekend and I'm sure that all the skiers are happy to be back on the slopes. We will be riding soon enough ! The weather is forever in our favor at this time of year at least.
We had the DCNR attend our December meeting and State Forestry reps along with State Parks attending giving us the yearly reports. Imagine a year where the Rangers did not ticket anyone ! That was the past year for snowmobiling in the LH area. Yes, it was a weak attendance by mother nature last season so that's part of it but the Rangers would like to add that they believe their methods have helped this to occur too. There are plenty of places for people to ride without a registration in Pa. It's called "their backyard". As a reminder they mentioned the price of tickets and it's mostly along the lines of $300 for no registration (plus $150 court costs) another $300 for no insurance and another $300 for riding illegally on private property or out of the recognized trail system and don't even try damaging wet lands or the like. They did say that you won't get a fine if you do as they ask and ride responsibly. Remember too that in Pa there is a ZERO Tolerance for alcohol and riding. Sorry, save the drinks for after the trails. Also, the Rangers would like to remind everyone of the need to report any accidents that might occur on the trails. This requirement is state law and only when it's above $100 in damages. (basically a taillight cost these days on sleds) In addition they wanted us to mention that if you see an emergency you can call 911 and if your phone is a GPS enabled phone (and you have service in the woods) it will report your location automatically to 911 and they will know where you are exactly. This will help in case of emergency. There are also some NON emergency numbers you can call too. These would be a way to get in contact with the Rangers in the woods to get assistance as needed for NON emergency services. The numbers are as follows and depend upon which county you are in. Somersett Co 814-445-1525 ; Westmoreland Co 724-600-7335 ; and Fayette Co 724-430-1277 . Again NON EMERGENCY ONLY for those numbers. Anything important call 911 !
Other news from State Parks and State forests is that they will will have three groomers again to the South of Rt31 and one to the North of Rt31. Also, Maple summit has sold their groomers so there will be no grooming by them but the state will cover their trails section. Rolling Ridge has stepped up and purchased the tracked Duramax truck from Maple summit so you will see it on the trails above Rt 30. This will improve the northern trails up there so be sure to support that club with a membership if you ride there.
If you encounter any trees down they are asking us to call the Park offices. Those numbers are on the FAQ page of the LHSC website. Also, if you have any concerns or questions about grooming and the status you can check online at: as that's the current page for it. Or you can look on the FAQ page again and see the phone numbers to call if you'd like to do that instead.
As for regular club business, we had our Christmas party and it was well attended considering the irregularity of people getting together lately due to COVID and the Flu. We had 25 people in attendance at that function. Also, we are going to attempt a Laurel Highlands Fun Days event - consisting of a Radar Run, Poker Run and guided trail rides. Something more than what we've done in the past. Look for the dates on the main page of the club for that information. We also had 46 people in attendance at our annual Banquet. This is our largest group gathering and a nice time was had by all. There was lots of talk this year about our clubs past history and while not many know it our club is now over 50 years old. Closer to 60 even. Quite an accomplishment and that takes hard work and lots of dedication by many. Lots of past presidents in attendance at all our functions. We thank them all!
Anyway, I hope everyone gets a ride in this season and if you have any questions for the club members, board of directors or anything club related contact us via email off the main page.
Be safe and think snow!!