Frequently asked questions about the Snowmobile Club

version:  12/16/23

Every year we see the same questions asked. Here are some of the questions and replies for this coming Snowmobiling Season.

Question:  How do I get a Registration in Pa if I am out of state ?

Answer:  Go to the DCNR website HERE and get the info.

Question:   How do I join the club ?  

Answer:  If you'd like to join fill out the form and send it in.  We especially would like members who are interested in helping out with the club activities.  If you'd like to do something useful with other club members stop in the clubhouse at a meeting and we can discuss with you some ideas.

Question: Non Working keyfob?

Answer:  If you are a member and have a question about a Keyfob not working or need a replacement,  Please use the club contact list to get it repaired or replaced.  The numbers on the keyfob will also help us to expidite you a new one as well since they are monitored and recorded.  

Question:  Where can I rent a snowmobile in the Laurel Highlands area ?

Answer:  No rentals are in the Laurel Highlands riding area.  But there is a Snowmobile Tour available from Highlands Sporting clays.  See that info here. 

  Please be aware I have no other info on any of them so give them a call and make sure you let them know you saw it on the Laurel Highlands Club website.  Thanks !

Sources for Snowmobile Rentals in New York & Pennsylvania

Want to rent a snowmobile in PA ?  Check here for places throughout the state as provided by

Question:  What available services for Snowmobiles are on the trail system ? 

Answer:  There is no service on the trail system for snowmobiles.  You'd have to take it to one of the local dealers for repairs.

Question:  What lodging is available in the Laurel Highlands for overnight stays ?  

Answer:  There are motels at Exit 9 and 10 on the PA turnpike.  There are very few rooms available on the trail system.  They are limited to 7Springs or the DCNR  Cottages in the Lynn Run State Park area (contact the DCNR for that info).   You can also get a list of motels and numbers from here.

Question:  What about parking in the Snowmobile Club area with my truck and trailer even though I'm not a member.

Answer:  The Snowmobile Club parking area is for Members only.  This is a privilege of being a member. 

Question:  Why isn't the Parking lot plowed when I come up during the week ?

Answer:  The Snowmobile club makes every attempt to keep the lot clear but remember, we are an all Volunteer organization.  Volunteers do the plowing.   If you'd like to volunteer your time you'll need to join the club and become a board member to have access to the tools to do the job.  We encourage you to become a member and also be on the board of directors to assist in these very important jobs.  

Question:  Is there any place to buy Gas and Food on the trail in the Laurel Highlands trail system ?

 Answer: For Gas on the trail - There are no "official" gas stops along the trails in the Laurel Highlands.  There are places that sell gas nearby but you need to drive to get to them legally.

 Answer:  Food is available at Vail/7Springs at the Main Lodge parking area (there is a parking area next to the Gas pumps near the gas pump trail) and walking to the main lodge.  Also, the Tahoe lodge at the top of the North Face Ski slope is available for food as well.  The trail past the Luxury condos on the way to the Tahoe lodge at the peak must be enforced with a 15mph speed limit.  Please do not ride the road.  Use the trail behind the guard rails to stay away from the condos.    There is no food available currently at Hidden Valley and they have asked us to not ride through the private property areas to get there.

    Food at the Highlands Sporting Clays:   It should be noted that the Sporting clays area near the 7Springs airport is open in the winter. HighlandsSporting Clays has made a major investment in the facilities for food and trap shooting.   So, if you are hungry for someplace good to stop, go to the Sporting clays restaurant.  The food is excellent !  Here's a link to it.  Highlands Sporting Clays 

    Food (Simple faire not a sit down restaurant as in the past) is available at the Laurel Mountain Ski resort. A trail is available to it and the entrance to it is about 1/2 way up Laurel Summit road on the way to the warming hut.  Look for the trail on the left with snowmobile tracks going into the road that's there and it should be groomed as well.  

Question:  How big is the trail system in the Laurel Highlands ?

Answer:  It's bigger than most people ride !   Well,  actually it's about 100 miles from the Ohiopyle area to just before Johnstown.  You are basically riding on the edge of the mountain ridge from North to South.

Question:  Where do I park my truck/trailer on the Northern end of the trail system by the Cross county skiers warming hut ?

Answer:  They've changed where you are allowed to park due to conflicts with the skier population.  Please use the new round parking area just above the warming hut.  Access to that is off of Lynn Run Road and there should be signs indicating it and the designated parking area.  Please use it.

Question:  Who do I contact about trail issues such as trees down and other things like grooming schedules or grooming concerns.

Answer:  The DCNR is responsible for most of our riding area.  Some areas are on private property but for the most part you want to contact the DCNR office in Laughlintown.  Their number is 724-238-1200.  If you are calling about grooming please ask for Ed Callahan.  He is the primary contact for that info.  Also, if you have issues that need law enforcement such as the DCNR Rangers you can call 800-362-5060.   They will respond asap.

At our December 2023 meeting they wanted us to mention that if you see an emergency you can call 911 and if your phone is a GPS enabled phone (and you have service in the woods) it will report your location automatically to 911 and they will know where you are exactly.   This will help in case of emergency.   There are also some NON emergency numbers you can call too.   These would be a way to get in contact with the Rangers in the woods to get assistance as needed for NON emergency services.   The numbers are as follows and depend upon which county you are in.  Somersett Co 814-445-1525 ; Westmoreland Co 724-600-7335 ; and Fayette Co 724-430-1277 .   Again NON EMERGENCY ONLY for those numbers.   Anything important call 911 ! 

Question:  How old do my kids need to be to ride a snowmobile on State lands ?

Answer: The current minimum age for kids is 10 years old.  And they MUST pass a snowmobile safety class and get a certificate BEFORE operating a snowmobile and even then they must ride with the parent for supervision.  Please adhere to this DCNR law.

Question:  Are snowmobilers subject to the same drinking and driving regulations as other motorized vehicle operation ?

Answer: (direct from the DCNR)  The forest rangers have been certified in field sobriety. They have the same authority as a city police officer and can arrest you on a D.U.I.

Question:  Where can I find information about the PSSA (Pennsylvania State Snowmobile Association) ?   And what do they do for snowmobiling in PA.   Who is responsible for handling trails across the state ?  Who is the contacts within the DCNR and where do they reside ?   

Answer:  All of these questions and more can be answered at the PSSA website.   There is a lot of good information available to everyone who needs good answers to DCNR and state legislator questions.   It's in all of our best interests to keep up to date on things around Pa for snowmobiling.  New for 2024 is the availibility of a trail map in Pa.   Check it out here

  Please do not drink and drive.  It reflects on us all as Snowmobile Ambassadors to the rest of the population.

   We are constantly working on improving the trail system and we need your support to make these things happen.  It doesn't come easy or cheaply.  It takes money and lots of work.  The Maple Summit Snowmobile Club works the south end of the trail system for maintenance each year. And the North is handled by Rolling Ridge Snowmobile Club.  $1000's are spent on improving the trails regularly.

If after reading this whole thing and you still have a question please email any of the board members of the club.  (at the bottom of the main page) 


The Laurel Highlands Snowmobile Club Inc.

If you have any questions after reading all of this please contact Steve here.